MIET Science Club

MIET Science Club

VIPNET Club ID Number: VP-UP0192

MIET Science club is affiliated with VigyanPrasar, an autonomous organization under the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, under the VigyanPrasar Network (VIPNET) of science clubs with club ID number -
VP-UP0192. MIET Science Club works towards the following objectives:

  • Disseminate information on science & technology (S&T).
  • Reach out to fellow citizens especially in nearby rural areas to popularize science.
  • Stimulate spirit of curiosity, inquiry, innovation andcreativity to supplement conventional education and foster scientific temper.
  • Make science an enjoyable and interesting pursuit.

Mr. Abhinav Singh
MIET Science Club Coordinator &
Assistant Professor,
Department of Biotechnology & Microbiology, MIET